- 鉱物の採掘、輸送、取引に関連した人権侵害
- 非政府武装集団に対する直接的または間接的支援
- 違反行為を行う公的または民間の保安隊に対する直接的または間接的支援
- 贈収賄および鉱物原産地の詐称
- 資金洗浄
- 政府に対する税金、手数料、及び採掘権料の未払い
1. 管理体制の構築
2. 原料調達及びサプライヤーの評価
KYC(Know Your Customer)などのリスク評価の結果、付属書IIに抵触する疑いが生じたサプライヤーが
3. 教育訓練の実施
4. 取引のモニタリングと記録の保管
5. 第三者監査の実施
代表取締役社長 五木田 春夫
Basic Policy on Responsible Mineral Procurement
In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility (CSR), Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd. has complied with Annex II of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Therefore,we avoid complicity in human rights abuses, financing of terrorism, money laundering, illicit transactions, and the risks listed below .
- Human rights violations related to mineral extraction, transportation, and trade
・All forms of torture, cruelty, inhuman and degrading treatment
・All forms of forced labor
・The worst forms of child labor
・Other gross human rights violations and abuses, including widespread sexual violence
・War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against
humanity, or genocide
- Direct or indirect support for non-state armed groups
- Direct or indirect assistance to public or private security forces in committing an offense
- Bribery and misrepresentation of mineral origin
- Money Laundering
- Non-payment of taxes, fees, and royalties of mining rights to governments
In addition, we will implement the following 1 to 5 as methods that are not complicit in the above.
1. Building a management system
In order to conduct responsible mineral procurement, we have appointed a compliance
officer and established an organization for gold supply chain due diligence.
2. Raw material procurement and supplier evaluation
As a result of risk assessments such as KYC(Know Your Customer), if a supplier is found
to be in suspected violation of Annex II, we will temporarily suspend transactions to
reduce risk. However, if we determine that risk cannot be mitigated, we will immediately
cease doing business with that supplier.
3. Implementation of education and training
We will regularly provide the necessary education and training to all employees involved in
responsible mineral sourcing.
4. Monitoring of transactions and storing of records
We constantly monitor and record that the procured raw materials we receive are
consistent with the information obtained from suppliers, and these records are
appropriately stored for five years as stipulated by our internal regulations.
5. Implementation of third-party audit
We will regularly conduct audits by an independent third party regarding our responsible
mineral management system and implementation status.
Established Date: October 4, 2012
Revised Date: May 7, 2024
Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President Haruo Gokita